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    Our Story

    Kilele was established in 2019 with two foundational goals.
    1- To handmake leather gear with peak quality and design.
    2- To have an eternal impact on our neighborhood in Nairobi and across the globe.

    Our name, Kilele, means “summit” or “peak” in the Swahili language and was chosen because of our goal to deliver the highest quality products. In our earliest days, we had products custom made in one of Nairobi’s outdoor artisan markets and have progressed to having our own workshop where we can control the quality from start to finish.

    We are located in Pangani, one of Nairobi’s most diverse neighborhoods with many challenges. At Kilele we are working with multiple partners to be a blessing to the community and find ways to love our neighbor in sustainable, practical ways.

    Out of a desire to give back to the community of Nairobi, Kilele - meaning summit or mountain peak in Swahili - was founded to provide steady uplifting jobs and instill eternal values in local impoverished communities. We exist to leverage quality gear and fair prices to create sustained economic empowerment.
    At Kilele, our gear is the peak of African quality and ruggedness. Designed using high-quality leather and canvas our gear is versatile while uniquely African. Our craftsmen take great pride and joy in hand stitching and preparing each piece!
    Thank you for joining us as we give back to a community that has provided so much for us!

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    Something doesn’t fit or just isn’t right? Hamna Shida! No
    worries! We will replace it, and cover the shipping!

    Free Shipping over $200

    Zero Shipping costs for all orders over $200.
    Zilch. Sufuri. Nada.

    Our 200% Guarantee

    We don’t guarantee you will be satisfied.
    We guarantee you will LOVE the product.

    Make A Global Impact

    You won’t just love the product, you will love knowing that you
    have made a specific and eternal impact in Nairobi and beyond.